Sunday, April 6, 2014

Unorthodox study methods

Lance - Nameless: the route I am currently on.

As usual, as someone almost finishing her studies, the last exam semester holds quite a new level of stress for me. Since it involves having to pass exams which might cause delay to your studies.

To cope with the stress, I somewhat re-used a method which my bestie taught me which is 30 minutes of fun, 30 minutes of work days.

This usually works good if you don't have a huge working load and you have still sometime.

However, I discovered a tiny problem in my method while playing the visual novel "nameless" (which I should have guessed since it is from the same studio as dandelion).

30 minutes of nameless which hit the part of the path which starts bringing tears

30 minutes of calculations which i hold the tears up.

30 minutes which give me loud sobbing and now actual tears.

30 minutes which I am now sobbing loudly while calculating stuff, my notes are getting tears on them and I have formed a sort of a surrounding wall of handkerchiefs.

20 minutes to go to the kitchen to make food and my landlords go like "are you sick?" me: "Ah, yes..." /TRIES TO HOLD TEARS AND NOT SHOW MY EYES WHICH ARE TOTALLY RED.

1 comment:

  1. So it's a really must-see-in-action method. best of luck with the exams.
