Friday, February 1, 2013

Testing/ Reasons - Why create a blog

Well, hello there. So, apparently after something like 7 years I am back to blogging. Funny enough, as a somewhat more or less full grown woman (okay, I was supposed to be a full grown woman at this age, but some shit happened, crisis and all, so this independence thing got a little delayed) I never expected to return to blog, as when the blogs became a fashion I thought it was more or less something that it would always be more typical of teenagers and young adults.. Oh wait, I am a young adult! I still count here xD.

Okay, all this rambling aside, in these 7 years, a lot of things changed in the world and in me. For once, my plans (but this is somewhat normal) went into a lot of turns. You discover things that you like no longer interest you as much, and then you discover things that you thought it would be boring that become more interesting...  You discover that most things have a time schedule of happening and sometimes you don't really get a second chance at them. This second chance isn't related to the event itself, but how you become a different person afterwards. And if you are not the same person, the same thing very hardly can happen to you again.

Ah, but that will be for one of my life lessons posts. This is for an introduction (which I should just get on with it, but unfortunately I somewhat tend to ramble too much). So, why am I writing again and why a blog and not a tweet thing or facebook?

Well, mostly is because I decided to test one of the many advice blogs around the internet universe regarding surviving outside, which is write blogs and your feelings. Since I tend to practice these kind of things (nothing wrong with trying to improve your life away from family and your culture), I decided to do this also.

And another one, since, well, many blogs of peoples experiences outside actually helped me a lot! Before I went to where I am now studying (a small town called Vlissingen in the middle of nowhere in the netherlands) i read a blog about a girl also going to vlissingen and her experiences. It let me get a clue of somethings which I could expect!

So, one never knows, maybe a random stranger which also decides to go to the middle of nowhere will need a blog like this. Maybe I'll actually want to look backwards afterwards (okay... probably not, I am not the biggest fan of looking back to anything). And well, in any case, I did get a lot of strange life lessons out of my strange adventures and travels.

So, for starters, introductions.

I won't give my full name, well, actually I'll just go by my alias, which is Inu. I won't exactly hide my identity with all my might (who has the patience for that). But as my father usually says, why ask for trouble?

Of course, I'll actually publish this on my facebook... so this effort is probably stupid. Ah well, the hell with it. It's my blog and I do what I want? xD
So... introduction: I am portuguese, currently residing in Vlissingen while undergoing through a 4 years study. I decided to go away from my country mostly because the employment situation was sucky and the college is... well, college in portugal has that thing that, like most things in portugal, throws you into the world and either you are good at surviving with what you are given or not.

My skills/characteristics do not include: licking my teachers boots, social and party person, have a super brain which can work through subjects without needing class or teachers, good at forming connections and having a presence that won't make you get steeped on by others or immune to social bullying.

So, between getting stuck and stagnated in college and throw myself into trying things outside... well, I think you can see which was the choice I picked.

So yeah, this is the intro. Have fun.

The next posts will be shorter I think XD Some posts will be about past experiences, some will be about future experiences. Some will be about stuff which are more for geeks, some will be more about serious stuff. But yeah, expect things to be as random as me.

Also, if you are wondering about what type of geek I am. Well, I am a anime fan, japanese fan, everything which has a star on it fan (okay, 90% of things at least), and a fantasy fan. I tend to read a lot (well, used to, now I mostly hear books in audiobook format).

And since I don't feel like writing anymore. I'll finish here.

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